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Controls and Risk Management

Today’s internal controls simply need to do more. Organizations are harnessing new technologies and ways of working for a more comprehensive view of compliance and associated risks. We use a risk-based approach to help organizations modernize their controls to keep up with evolving standards and achieve better business outcomes.

Controls Planning, Design, and Testing

We help you plan, design, and implement financial controls, information technology controls, and operational controls to mitigate identified risks in your company's business processes. In so doing, we help you focus on the central tenet of your business: to be trusted by your stakeholders, the marketplace, and the communities you serve. We help you modernize and automate your internal controls so that you can achieve cost and schedule efficiencies in periodic testing of your controls for regular audits and assessments. 

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

We assist our clients in implementing Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) for a robust and holistic management of risks across the organization.  We implement a standard risk management process with common terminology and metrics across the organization, and provide an integrated view of risks for a broader perspective on the totality of risks.  We create risk portfolios and utilize correlation techniques to project a full spectrum of risks, and ensure a proper alignment of business objectives with the risk appetite of the organization. 

   Mitigate Risk
Mitigate risks in your business processes.  Improve and control business performance.  Prevent fraud, mistatements, and security violations. 
   Controls Services
Successful enterprises understand the critical importance of internal controls in today's business environment.  We offer the following internal controls services:
- Financial Controls
- Accounting Controls
- IT Controls
- Operational Controls
- Enterprise Risk Management
- Risk Appetite and Alignment
- Information Security Governance
- Val IT