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Process Management

Economic volatility, increasing globalization, rising complexity and growing interconnectivity have forced businesses to make major changes to their operations in recent years. To address these challenges, companies in all industries and geographies are focusing more attention and resources on process management.

Process Analysis and Baselining

We capture explicit and implicit knowledge about your existing processes using the most suitable information gathering techniques and transform that knowledge into AS-IS process models.  A diagnostic approach enables us to understand your current automated and manual processes and their dependencies within your organization.  We identify areas of improvement in the existing processes and specify baseline Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and Process Performance Indicators (PPI) for cost savings, efficiencies, and effectiveness of your business operations.

Performance Improvement

We specify realistic and achievable targets for KPIs and PPIs, and develop TO-BE process models that address areas of improvement in the existing processes and reduce or eliminate the delta between baseline and target KPI/PPI levels. The TO-BE process models take into account any apparent redefinition or redesigning of baselined processes as well as improvements using automation, training, and other appropriate measures. 

   Improve Performance
Develop and operate scalable, efficient and agile business processes to deliver immediate and long-lasting value. 
   Process Management Services
We offer the following process management services:
- Process Analysis and Redesign
- Process Modeling
- ERP Discovery 
- Package Assessment
- Roles and Responsibilities Definition
- Process Automation
- Key Performance Indicator Configuration
- Process Measurement
- Training